What Is the Success Rate of Haro?

Jan. 11, 2024, 10:20 p.m. in

The success rate of HARO is typically believed to be 5-10%. Still, towards the end of 2023, success rates began dropping rapidly as HARO became flooded with AI responses from bots and other bad actors.

When I ventured into the world of digital PR, I quickly learned that HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is a goldmine for securing high-quality backlinks. Yet, many wonder about the actual success rate of HARO. With journalists bombarded by pitches, standing out is key.

The Data

Historic Success Rate

Throughout my experience with HARO, I've monitored industry chatter closely, and the consensus suggests a long-term success rate ranging between 5-10%. However, it's crucial to understand that these figures aren't set in stone. Success in securing backlinks through HARO is subject to the ebb and flow of media interest, which tends to fluctuate with the changing tides of news themes and industry focuses. For some sectors, there are periods brimming with opportunity, while other industries might find the spotlight less frequently. Keeping a pulse on these trends is essential for timing your pitches effectively and maintaining a higher success rate.

The AI Trend

Facing the landscape of HARO in early 2024, success rates appear to be waning, largely due to a surge in automated submissions by spammy actors. These bots have cluttered journalists' inboxes and severely reduced the odds of genuine, well-thought-out responses cutting through the noise. In response, my team and I leverage AI strategically through services like PR Bot to ensure our pitches reach journalists promptly, salvaging the chance for a human connection amidst a sea of automation. Although hard data on the current success rates might be elusive, many HARO veterans are noticing a steep decline, with success rates plummeting to below 5%. It's a challenging environment, but with the right tools and agility, we're finding ways to adapt and stay competitive.

Success Rate of HARO

Factors Affecting Success Rate

The success rate of using HARO can hinge on several factors. It's all about relevancy, speed, and quality of response. If I'm too slow, my pitch might get buried under a pile of others. That's why timing my responses strategically enhances my chances. Yet, it's not just about being fast; my replies have to be relevant to the journalists' needs and add value with insightful, quotable content. Ultimately, my success rate is determined by the intersection of these critical elements.

How to Increase Your Chances of Success with HARO

I've dug deep into boosting success rates and found that personalizing pitches and directly addressing journalists' questions are key. The aim is to make my responses stand out, hence I focus on crafting concise, yet compelling replies that showcase expertise or offer unique insights. For those looking for a more in-depth guide, I've penned an article titled "How to be Successful with HARO," available on PRbot, which covers these tactics in greater detail.

Real-Life Success Stories with HARO

I've witnessed firsthand how HARO can work wonders. From landing a backlink on high-authority sites like AppSumo to boosting my brand's visibility, real-world success stories abound. Many businesses and individuals have harnessed HARO to position themselves as thought leaders, scoring featured articles and evaluating earned media coverage. These success stories serve as compelling evidence of the power of HARO when leveraged correctly.

Limitations of HARO

Challenges with HARO

Despite its high potential for securing backlinks, HARO isn't without challenges. One significant hurdle is the overwhelming number of emails that users receive, which may lead to missed opportunities. Depending on which time zone you're in, you might even find queries in your inbox that have already expired. Additionally, the competition is fierce, with many seeking the attention of journalists. Crafting responses that stand out requires both skill and strategy, which I detail further in my full article on the Problems with HARO. The closed nature of the system also implies that only the best-pitched answers make it through, elevating the bar for quality and relevance.

Alternatives to HARO

If HARO isn't yielding the results you're hoping for, or you're looking to diversify your outreach efforts, it's worth exploring alternatives. Different platforms like Terkel, Help a B2B Writer, and PressPlugs can offer more tailored queries and potentially less competition, marking them as valuable additions to your PR toolkit. In my experience, businesses should leverage these resources to enhance their chances for media exposure. For those interested in broadening their horizon, I dive deeper into various platforms and their specific advantages in my article on the Alternatives to HARO. Each alternative comes with its own set of dynamics, which may better align with specific outreach goals or niche markets.


Navigating the waters of HARO can be tough with its bombardment of emails and intense competition. That's why I'm a proponent of diversifying your approach. By incorporating platforms like Terkel, Help a B2B Writer, and PressPlugs into your strategy, you're not only casting a wider net but also targeting your efforts more effectively. Remember, the key to enhancing your media exposure and backlink profile lies in not putting all your eggs in one basket. Embrace the alternatives and watch your success rate climb.