Maximize PR with Connectively: The New HARO's Enhanced Features

Jan. 25, 2024, 1:34 p.m. in

As an avid user and observer of the digital PR landscape, I've been closely watching the evolution of HARO, a staple for journalists and sources alike. With the introduction of Connectively, there's a palpable buzz about what this means for the future of media outreach. It's not just a new platform; it's an attempt to fight the AI spammers!

With over 800,000 users, HARO's migration to Connectively marks a significant shift. The new subscription tier alone, offering 15 pitches per month and additional keyword filters, hints at a more tailored and efficient experience. And with the current HARO site set to retire in early 2024, it's clear that Connectively isn't just a new feature—it's the next chapter for HARO's community of professionals.

Why is HARO Changing?

In my years of engaging with public relations tools, I've seen many platforms evolve, but the shift from HARO to Connectively stands out as a particularly strategic move.

HARO has suffered over the last 12 months as a multitude of spammers have been setting up AI bots to auto-respond to queries journalists post.

This poses a threat to HARO in two ways:

  1. It wastes journalists time and means less queries are being posted.
  2. Because journalists are so busy with queries, success rates for legitimate responders are falling

Both of these factors means less journalists and less experts, a serious problem for HARO.

Connectively is hoping to solve these problems by limiting the number of requests that experts can respond to each month. They'll make spammers pay $1 for each request after the first 5.

With a typical HARO email containing 80-150 journalist requests. The hope is that this will make it prohibitively expensive to use this strategies.

I'm well aware that the transition to a new system can stir up mixed feelings within the community. Concerns about familiarizing oneself with a new interface and adapting to a different workflow are valid. However, given the competitive nature of our profession, staying adaptable is key to success. Connectively appears poised to offer that competitive edge with its advanced capabilities and I'm eager to see how it unfolds in the practical day-to-day execution of PR strategies.

The Evolution of HARO to Connectively

Over the years, Help a Reporter Out (HARO) has been more than a tool; it's become an integral part of the media and PR landscape. Watching HARO evolve demonstrates how indispensable it has become. It's not just about connecting journalists with sources anymore – it's about fostering a network rich with diverse media connections. The demand for expert-driven content has soared, and HARO has been pivotal in satisfying this need.

With the recent transition to Connectively, it's not simply a revamp we're seeing; it's an evolution. This strategic upgrade is tailored to meet the dynamic demands of today's digital world. What used to be a platform hindered by an outdated email system is now revving up for a modern era. Connectively is set to offer a more inclusive environment where the connectivity between media professionals can thrive like never before.

Here's something to consider: after the first five free pitches each month, Connectively introduces a new pay-as-you-go feature at $1 per pitch. This could be a game-changer, addressing the rampant issue of low-quality pitches – often generated by AI tools – which clutter inboxes and waste time. The introduction of this pricing model is geared towards ensuring that only serious pitches reach journalists, potentially raising the quality of interactions.

Embracing Connectively's fresh, modern interface, I've noticed it's now easier to navigate the pitching process. The pitch tracking feature also looks promising. It's set to be a marked improvement over HARO's tracking – or lack thereof – something that I, and likely many others, struggled with in the past.

While Connectively still has its roots in the foundation that made HARO a success, it steps up with features designed for a digital era where efficiency, effectiveness, and visibility are key for media professionals. The platform is shaping up to leverage these facets, bringing about better, more meaningful media collaborations.

What is

When it comes to media relations and networking, efficiency is key. That's where swoops in, offering itself as a cutting-edge tool for today’s fast-paced media industry. is a reimagined platform born from the need to streamline communication between journalists, content creators, subject matter experts, and PR professionals.

Boasting a suite of new features, thrives on creating a dynamic environment for users. At its heart, the platform highlights personalized user profiles, instant alerts, and a smooth process for handling media queries and responses. It's tailored to improve how professionals discover and engage with each other, ensuring that every interaction is as productive as possible.

My experience with has shown me a platform dedicated to enhancing user experience. The intuitive interface belies a complex system designed to make posting a query or replying to a media request as effortless as tapping a button. As a user, I can explore the vast array of opportunities with ease.

Given the media industry's nature to evolve and move at lightning speed, stands poised to adapt and respond. It's engineered with flexibility at its core, aiming to stay in step with industry shifts and the resultant needs of its community. This commitment secures its position as a staple resource for professionals who are serious about successful media collaborations. isn’t just a platform, it's a community. A community where each tool is purposefully crafted to meet the nuanced demands of its diverse user base. For journalists and content creators, it acts as a treasure trove that connects them with experts who can add depth to their stories, all without the clutter and noise that traditionally plagues such exchanges.

Connectively's Pay to Pitch Pricing Model

In the dynamic world of media communications, HARO's update to Connectively has introduced a pay to pitch pricing model that's set to transform how we interact with the platform. As I've delved deeper into Connectively's structure, it's clear that the change hinges on a blend of accessibility and quality control. Now, beyond the initial five free pitches per month, users face a $1 charge for each additional pitch.

This strategy is a bold move to combat spam, which has become a persistent issue, particularly with responses generated by AI tools like GPT models. By imposing a cost, Connectively aims to ensure that pitches are thoughtful and that users are genuinely invested in the opportunities they pursue. For those contemplating the new costs, let's break down what this means for the average user.

Pitch Quantity Cost (USD)
First 5 Pitches Free
Additional Pitches $1 each

While some may balk at the idea of paying to pitch, it's worth considering the long-term advantages. Quality over quantity becomes the new mantra, as this pricing is expected to filter out generic, low-effort submissions, fostering a platform where high-quality, engaging pitches are the norm.

If you're a frequent user ogling more than the basic offerings, Connectively's new subscription tier should pique your interest. For users ready to embrace the full suite of features, this subscription bolsters the monthly pitch limit to 15 pitches. This essentially means you're getting additional pitches at a reduced rate, considering the alternative of buying pitches à la carte.

Connectively's new direction is a step towards refining the ecosystem of media exchange. With a structured cost barrier, the platform is paving the way for a more selective and, hopefully, more effective communication flow. For experts and media professionals alike, this could signify a marked improvement in the way we share knowledge and collaborate on stories.

Keeping an eye on the evolving media landscape means adapting to these changes. As I use Connectively, I'm curious to witness how the pay to pitch model influences the interactions and the content shared within this ever-growing network.

New Subscription Plan

The evolution of communication platforms like HARO is noteworthy, and the introduction of's new pricing model is a testament to that. As I delve into the various facets of this model, it's important to note how it's influencing users' choices and their media outreach strategies.

Is The Subscription Worth It?

Let's break down the Core Plan offered by Connectively. Priced at $19 per month, this subscription allows users to send up to 15 pitches. That's ten more than the free Lite Plan. But one must ask, are the additional features justifying the cost?

Looking at the numbers, supplementing the five free monthly pitches without a subscription would cost $1 per pitch**. In contrast, the Core Plan effectively prices each additional pitch at about **$0.93 when you opt for the block of ten additional pitches it includes, apart from the first five free ones. Here's a simple comparison:

Plan Monthly Cost Included Pitches Cost Per Additional Pitch
Lite Plan $0 5 $1
Core Plan $19 15 $0.93

Additionally, the Core Plan facilitates the creation of two saved keyword searches, which could potentially save time. But let's consider the efficiency of these keyword filters. Am I likely to still sift through queries manually? And if so, is the marginal convenience worth the extra monthly expense?

Other features, such as email alerts for new results tied to the saved searches and full access to view public profiles, add value to the subscription. However, the usefulness of viewing full profiles is contingent upon the maturity of Connectively's user base. For new platforms, detailed profiles may be scarce, detracting from the value proposition.

It seems that the effectiveness of the Core Plan rests on individual needs. For those seeking more pitch capability and a moderate level of automation, it could be a fit. Yet, when considering advanced filters and a more nuanced media targeting, turning to third-party AI services might offer a more tailored solution. It's not just about increasing pitch count, but ensuring those pitches land with the right audience.

Why Use Connectively?

Operating in the bustling landscape of media relations, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Connectively. The platform has remarkably simplified the routine tasks of connecting and collaborating in the PR world. Its ease of use is unrivaled, and it's clear to see why professionals in the field are turning to Connectively to craft compelling stories and amplify their brand presence.

One might ponder the advantages that set Connectively apart from its contemporaries. To start, the enhanced pitch limit is a game changer. Where once users were constrained to just five pitches, Connectively's Core Plan exponentially increases this capacity to 15 pitches per month, giving me more opportunities to reach out to journalists. For those keeping a keen eye on their budget, this equates to a nominal $7 per additional pitch—an investment that can reap substantial rewards.

  • Enhanced Pitch Limit: 15 pitches per month
  • Additional Keyword Filters: Save up to 2 keyword searches
  • Email Alerts: Notifications for new results on saved searches
  • Full Public Profiles: Access to view other users' profiles (usefulness varies)

Moreover, the keyword filters are incredibly valuable; saving up to two keyword searches prevents me from losing precious time sifting through irrelevant pitches. These filters serve as a compass, guiding me directly to the stories that resonate with my expertise and brand narrative. Coupling this with email alerts whenever new search results pop up ensures that I'm always a step ahead, poised to engage with the opportune queries.

Finally, the prospect of viewing full public profiles begs exploration. While it's true that the platform's novelty means many profiles are not yet detailed, the potential for robust networking opportunities is palpable. As more journalists and experts populate the platform with rich profiles, the ability to peek into the public personas of potential collaborators will become an indispensable tool.

Transitioning to Connectively has been a strategic move in enhancing my media outreach. It has augmented my ability to make meaningful connections, cutting down on the noise and focusing on quality over quantity. Whether it's securing media coverage or forging new relationships in the PR community, Connectively provides the resources to do so effectively and efficiently.

How to Use Connectively

When diving into Connectively, I've found it crucial to first set up my profile comprehensively. This step ensures that when I do make connections, journalists or potential collaborators can quickly gauge my expertise and interests. With Connectively's focus on simplifying media relations, taking the time to craft a detailed profile has often resulted in meaningful engagements.

Once my profile's polished, I start exploring the platform's core features. Keyword filters are among the most vital tools in my arsenal, allowing me to streamline my search for relevant media opportunities. I can save up to two keyword searches, which is especially handy for tailoring my media outreach. The platform refreshes with new opportunities, and its email alert system notifies me promptly, so I never miss a beat.

The enhanced pitch limit of 15 pitches per month has significantly expanded my ability to connect with media outlets. Rather than the previous limit of five, I now have triple the opportunities to pitch my stories or expertise. This has been a game-changer in terms of building relations and showcasing my authority in my field. It's like investing $7 per pitch but getting so much more in return.

Making the most of Connectively also involves monitoring the platform for full public profiles of journalists and sources. While it's true that it's a relatively new feature and many profiles may not yet be detailed, I've discovered that keeping an eye on these can reveal potential contacts that might be flying under the radar.

Lastly, I'm strategic about supplementing my Connectively efforts with other platforms. If Connectively's query quota is reached for the day, I don't put my outreach on hold. Instead, I switch to alternatives like, even though it's a pricier option. By not relying on a single platform, I ensure that my media outreach is always active, adaptive, and far-reaching.

Tips for Maximizing Your Experience with Connectively

Stepping up your media outreach game with Connectively's new offerings is a move I'd recommend for any PR professional. The increased pitch limit and advanced filters are game-changers that can streamline your efforts and save you time. Remember, it's not just about having the tools but also knowing how to wield them. Setting up a detailed profile and staying on top of journalist profiles could make all the difference in your networking success. And while Connectively stands out, don't forget to complement it with other platforms for a well-rounded strategy. Embrace the power of Connectively and watch your media relations flourish.